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Francisco Marmolejo Cossio-04_edited.jpg


I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Boston College.


For BC Students interested in my upcoming course on Economics and Computation (CSCI336901) you can find the course website here.  


Currently I am also a Fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, an Associate of the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and a Research Fellow at Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK). Prior to this, I was a a Postdoctoral Fellow at SEAS and a Career Development Fellow in Computer Science at Balliol College at the University of Oxford.

I completed a D.Phil. in Computer Science under the supervision of Paul Goldberg at the University of Oxford, and a B.A. in Mathematics at Harvard University with a minor in Neuroscience.


Office Hours: Wednesdays and Fridays 2-3pm, Office 508, 245 Beacon St.

Photo credit : Eliza Grinnell

I am an applied modeling, algorithms, and AI researcher and I work on societally facing challenges, including problems in public health and access to financial services, with the goal of improving access to resources within underserved communities. Beyond methodological advances, I am committed to fostering interdisciplinary collaborations between academics, practitioners, decision-makers, and local stakeholders. This mission and approach has been deeply influenced by my involvement in the EAAMO research initiative, which brings together practitioners and researchers around the world to work towards the aforementioned goal, using techniques from algorithms, optimization, and mechanism design, along with insights from other disciplines.

News and Updates
  • January 2025: I'm thrilled to formally start my new position as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Boston College. 



  • ​November 2024: Excited to share that I will be participating as a panelist in the AI for Good webinar hosted by the United Nations! I’m particularly proud to showcase a video contribution featuring Indigenous Tenek students from the Huasteca Potosina, highlighting their aspirations and engagement with technology. Thank you Gloria and Magalia Rojas for creating the content from the video from their schools! 


  • October-November 2024: EAAMO '24 was a huge success! You can find all talks and sessions from the conference here





  • May 2024: We are thrilled to have accepted 33 students from 12 indigenous communities in Mexico to participate in the 3rd International Summer of Science!


  • March 2024: I have accepted a job offer at Boston College. If you’re a BC student interested in my work, please feel free to reach out!​


  • March 2024: I am honored to have been named a Rising Star in Management Science & Engineering at Stanford and to have been selected to participate at Georgia Tech's ISyE Junior Researcher Workshop!


  • February 2024: The Harvard Review of Latin America published an invited article of mine on my experience with the Summer of Science and our students' visit to Harvard. Take a look to learn more about the wonderful experience we had with our students!


  • November 2023: It was wonderful seeing everyone at EAAMO '23! Most exciting of all, the second Summer of Science was a great success! In addition to events at EAAMO we also held a one-day workshop with our students at Harvard University. You can read more about the program in my interview at Harvard's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS). 



  • October 2023: I will be attending INFORMS and giving two presentations on our work in Welfare-Maximizing Pooled Testing and our work on Strategic Liquidity Provision in Uniswap v3. The first talk is in the Special Session on Papers from EC (SA74) on Sunday at 8:00 at CC-West 106C, and the second is in the Topics in Finance Session - 2 (TE78) on Tuesday at 16:15 at CC-West 211A. 


  • October 2023: Harvard SEAS just published a wonderful article on my work as a co-organizer of MD4SG with an emphasis on the Summer of Science program aimed at improving access to research opportunities for indigenous female students in Mexico! 


  • October 2023: We are thrilled to have received financial support and logistical support from the U.S. Embassy in CDMX and the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey for the REDNACECYT-MD4SG Summer of Science! The funds will go towards providing our 20 students with U.S. visas to travel to EAAMO '23 in Boston as well as providing travel grants for students amongst our cohort in need of support. 



  • August 2023: We have kicked off our second "Verano de la Ciencia" in Mexico, this time in collaboration with the National Network of Councils and State Organisms of Science and Technology (REDNACECYT). We are thrilled to have 20 students from 7 Mexican states representing 11 Indigenous groups working on projects aimed at improving their local communities! You can read more about our program here

  • June 2023: Our paper, "Strategic Liquidity Provision in Uniswap v3" has been accepted at AFT 2023.  

  • June 2023: Excited to learn that our paper, “Welfare Maximizing Pooled Testing”, has been chosen as an Exemplary Applied Modeling Track Paper at EC 2023!

  • May 2023: Our paper, “Welfare Maximizing Pooled Testing” has been accepted at EC 2023. We look forward to sharing this interesting work at the intersection of theory and practice.

  • April 2023: I am honored to have been nominated for an Excellence in Academic Advising Award! from Harvard Harvard's Advising Program Office!

  • April 2023: The call for participation for EAAMO 2023 has been announced! Click here to check it and and to submit your work to the conference. The conference will take place in Boston in October / November 2023.

  • November 2022: Excited to be attending ICAIF 2022 where Zhou Fan will be presenting our work on optimal liquidity provision for liquidity providers in Uniswap v3.

  • October 2022: I will be presenting our work on optimal liquidity provision for Uniswap v3 at the Digital Finance and Technology cluster of INFORMS 2022.

  • October 2022: It was wonderful seeing everyone at EAAMO 2022! We successfully capped our first MD4SG-COPOCYT Summer Research Program for Female Indigenous Mexican researchers by having a wonderful cohort of students from the Huasteca Potosina present their work at the conference. You can read more (in Spanish) about the experience here!

  • October 2022: The journal version of our paper, “Learning Strong Substitutes Demand via Queries”, with Paul Goldberg and Edwin Lock, has been published in the ACM Transactions of Economics and Computation (TEAC).

  • September 2022: Early registration is now open for the second ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms and Optimization (EAAMO ‘22)!

  • September 2022: Our paper, “Differential Liquidity Provision in Uniswap v3 and Implications for Contract Design”, with Zhou Fan, Ben Altschuler, He Sun, Xintong Wang and David Parkes has been accepted at ICAIF 2022.

  • August 2022: Our paper, “Learning Strong Substitutes Demand via Queries”, with Edwin Lock and Paul Goldberg has been published in the ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation. 

  • July 2022: Our paper, “Decentralised Update Selection with Semi-Strategic Experts”, with Gerogios Amanatidis, Georgios Birmpas, and Philip Lazos  has been accepted at SAGT 2022.

  • June 2022: I am pleased to rejoin the Harvard College community as a Resident Tutor at Lowell House

  • June 2022: Our manuscript, “Welfare-Maximizing Pooled Testing” is up on the arxiv. 

  • May 2022: Very excited to kick off the inaugural MD4SG-COPOCYT Verano de las Ciencias! We are working with a talented cohort of female indigenous students from the Huasteca Potosina on interdisciplinary projects aimed at improving access to opportunity in their communities!

  • May 2022: Excited to participate as a panelist in a discussion on “Data Science and Impacted Communities” for the Spring Meeting of the Academic Data Science Alliance (ADSA).

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